Justin Bieber



Senin, 24 September 2012

Justin Bieber Showcase - Boyfriend (Acoustic)


Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic)


Justin Bieber - Boyfriend / As Long As You Love Me (Teen Choice Award)


Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Australia's Got Talent)


Call Me Maybe - Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Ashley Tisdale, Big Time Rush & MORE!

Randomiously Sweet-Cute! <3 xoxo

#StandUpComedyIndonesia; RADITYA DIKA (part 2)


#StandUpComedyIndonesia; RADITYA DIKA

Raditya Dika, manusia ter-absurd, ter-abstrak, teraneh, tergila, tergokil!!! Sumpah gila ini video asli kocak parah! Check this out guys... Kalo lo ga ngakak, lo bukan orang!

Struktur Lapisan Bumi & Lempeng Bumi

Struktur Lapisan Bumi
Secara terperinci struktur bumi mempunyai lapisan sebagai berikut :
1. Kerak bumi (crust)
Lapisan ini menempati bagian paling luar dengan tebal 6-50 km. Tebal lapisan ini tidak sama di setiap tempat, di benua tebalnya 20-50 km, samudra 0-5km atau bersamaan dengan air diatasnya sekitar 6-12 km. Tersusun dari materi-materi padat yang kaya silisium dan uluminium. Kerak bumi ini dapat dibagi 2 yaitu:
  • Lapisan granitis yaitu lapisan yang kaya akan batuan granit, lapisan ini tidak dijumpai di dasar samudra.
·         Lapisan basaltis yaitu lapisan yang kaya akan material basalt.
Kerak bumi ini dingin dan padat terapung diatas lapisan mantel yang cair liat.
Kerak bumi (crust) , selagi dalam bentuk solidnya bersifat mobile dan mengapung diatas cairan magma. Menurut teori tektonik lempeng, terjadi arus konveksi dibawah lapisan crust ini memaksa magma (batuan panas/cair, yang bergerak plastis) untuk bergerak keatas. Pada titik-titik tertentu (biasanya pada mid-ocean) magma membentuk celah/palung dan menerobos ke permukaan. Hal ini akan menyebabkan lempeng saling bergerak menjauh atau saling bertabrakan secara gradual. Jika pergerakan ini terjadi dengan tiba-tiba, terjadilah gempa.
2. Selimut bumi (mantle)
Lapisan ini terletak di bawah kerak bumi yang mempunyai suhu kira-kira 2000° C dan pada umumnya dibagi menjadi 3 yaitu:
  • Lhitosfer
Letaknya paling atas dari selimut bumi, terdiri dari materi-materi yang berwujud padat dan kaya silisium dan aluminium, tebalnya sekitar 50-100 km. Bersamaan dengan kerak bumi sering disebut dengan lempeng lhitosfer yang mengapung diatas lapisan yang agak kental yaitu astheonosfer.
  • Astheonosfer
Lapisan dibawah lhitosfer yang wujudnya agak kental, kaya dengan silisium, aluminium dan magnesium. Tebal lapisan ini sekitar 130-160 km
  • Mesosfer
Lapisan yang lebih berat dan tebal, kaya dengan silisium dan magnesium. Tebalnya sekitar 2400-2750 km.
3. Inti bumi (core)
Inti bumi berukuran diameter 7000 km dan terdiri dari besi dan nikel. Lapisan paling luar (tebal 2200 km) merupakan liquid atau cairan. Lapisan terdalam bersifat solid atau padat, dengan density sekitar 10.5 SG dan suhunya lebih dari 2.500° Celcius. Menurut teori, perputaran bumi pada porosnya (rotasi) menyebabkan terjadinya arus sirkulasi pada bagian cair inti bumi. Sirkulasi ini merupakan sumber dari medan magnet yang menyelimuti bumi.
Lapisan ini menempati bagian paling dalam dan dapat dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu:
  • Inti bagian luar (outher core)
Tebal lapisan ini sekitar 2160 km, kemungkinan tersusun dari materi yang kaya silisium, besi dan magnesium.
  • Inti bagian dalam (inner core)
Tebal lapisan ini sekitar 1320 km, tersusun dari materi yang kaya nikel dan besi dengan densitas lebih besar.
2. Selimut bumi (mantle)
Lapisan ini terletak di bawah kerak bumi yang mempunyai suhu kira-kira 2000° C dan pada umumnya dibagi menjadi 3 yaitu:
  • Lhitosfer
Letaknya paling atas dari selimut bumi, terdiri dari materi-materi yang berwujud padat dan kaya silisium dan aluminium, tebalnya sekitar 50-100 km. Bersamaan dengan kerak bumi sering disebut dengan lempeng lhitosfer yang mengapung diatas lapisan yang agak kental yaitu astheonosfer.
  • Astheonosfer
Lapisan dibawah lhitosfer yang wujudnya agak kental, kaya dengan silisium, aluminium dan magnesium. Tebal lapisan ini sekitar 130-160 km

Pergerakan Lempeng
Lempeng litosfer yang kita kenal sekarang ini ada 6 lempeng besar, yaitu lempeng Eurasia, Amerika utara, Amerika selatan, Afrika, Pasifik, dan Hindia Australia. Lempeng-lempeng tersebut bergerak di atas lapisan astenosfir (kedalaman 500 km di dalam selubung dan bersifat kampir melebur atau hampir berbentuk cair). Karena hal tersebut, maka terjadi interaksi antar lempeng pada batas-batas lempeng yang dapat berbentuk :
  • Divergen : lempeng-lempeng bergerak saling menjauh dan mengakibatkan material dari selubung naik membentuk lantai samudra baru dan membentuk jalur magmatik atau gunung api.
  • Konvergen : lempeng-lempeng saling mendekati dan menyebabkan tumbukan dimana salah satu dari lempeng akan menunjam (menyusup) ke bawah yang lain masuk ke selubung. Daerah penunjaman membentuk suatu palung yang dalam, yang biasanya merupakan jalur gempa bumi yang kuat. Dibelakang jalur penunjaman akan terbentuk rangkaian kegiatan magmatik dan gunungapi serta berbagai cekungan pengendapan. Salah satu contohnya terjadi di Indonesia, pertemuan antara lempeng Indo-Australia dan Lempeng Eurasia menghasilkan jalur penunjaman di selatan Pulau Jawa dan jalur gunungapi Sumatera, Jawa dan Nusatenggara dan berbagai cekungan seperti Cekungan Sumatera Utara, Sumatera Tengah, Sumatera Selatan dan Cekungan Jawa Utara.
  • Transform : lempeng-lempeng saling bergesekan tanpa membentuk atau merusak litosfer. Hai ini dicirikan oleh adanya sesar mendatar yang besar seperti misalnya Sesar Besar San Andreas di Amerika.

Lempeng-lempeng Litosfer

Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

Kemampuan English Orang Indonesia sangat Parah!

 Seharusnya: Selex Photo Copy

 Seharusnya: Thank You For Come To Visiting Us

 Seharusnya: Fast And Furious

Seharusnya: Blow Dry & Creambath

Kejadian Lucu Pak Presiden SBY!!! XD

Waaaaaahhh... hahaha apa yang sedang dilakukan Pak SBY di keramian massa saat ingin melaksanakan shalat???
Apakah ada yang 'ganjel' atau 'gatal'? ._.V

Selebriti Top Dunia naik BUSWAY!

 Emma Rossum

 Lindsay Lohan


Taylor Momsen

Andrej Pejić; Model Pria yang Cantik


Percaya atau tidak, semua foto diatas diperagakan oleh seorang PRIA!

Andrej Pejić ialah seorang model berdarah Bosnia-Kroasia-Serbia yang tinggal di Australia. Ia telah menjadi model sejak berusia 17 tahun. Walau ia seorang pria, namun tak jarang ia memeragakan busana khusus para wanita, karena wajahnya yang 'cantik' dan tubuhnya yang proporsional, ditambah rambut pirangnya yang panjang.

Pejić sama sekali tak merasa risih atas pekerjaannya sebagai model pria untuk busana wanita, namun itu semua adalah berkah baginya. Sampai akhirnya pada September 2011 ia menempati no 18 pada daftar modes.com, 50 Model Perempuan Top. Ia juga menduduki peringkat no 98 di majalah FHM pada nominasi 100 Wanita Terseksi Di Dunia 2011.

Lirik "Too Little Too Late" by Jojo

Come with me
Stay the night
You say the words but boy it don't feel right
What do ya expect me to say (You know it's just too little too late)
You take my hand
And you say you've changed
But boy you know your begging don't fool me
Because to you it's just a game (You know it's just too little too late)

So let me on down
'Cause time has made me strong
I'm starting to move on
I'm gonna say this now
Your chance has come and gone
And you know

It's just too little too late
a little too wrong
And I can't wait
But you know all the right things to say (You know it's just too little too late)
You say you dream of my face
But you don't like me
You just like the chase
To be real
It doesn't matter anyway (You know it's just too little too late)

Yeah yeaaahhh... It's just too little too late... Mhmmm

I was young
And in love
I gave you everything
But it wasn't enough
And now you wanna communicate (You know it's just too little too late)
Go find someone else
In letting you go
I'm loving myself
You got a problem
But don't come asking me for help
'Cause you know

It's just too little too late
a little too wrong
And I can't wait
But you know all the right things to say (You know it's just too little too late)
You say you dream of my face
But you don't like me
You just like the chase
To be real
It doesn't matter anyway (You know it's just too little too late)

I can love with all of my heart, baby
I know I have so much to give (I have so much to give)
With a player like you I don't have a prayer
That's no way to live
Ohhhh... mmm nooo
It's just too little too late

It's just too little too late
a little too wrong
And I can't wait
But you know all the right things to say (You know it's just too little too late)
You say you dream of my face
But you don't like me
You just like the chase
To be real
It doesn't matter anyway (You know it's just too little too late)

You know it's just too little too late
Oh, I can't wait

It's just too little too late
a little too wrong
And I can't wait
But you know all the right things to say (You know it's just too little too late)
You say you dream of my face
But you don't like me
You just like the chase
To be real
It doesn't matter anyway (You know it's just too little too late)

Lirik "The Edge of Glory" by Lady Gaga

There ain't no reason you and me should be alone tonight
Yeah baby, tonight, yeah baby
I got a reason that you
Who should take me home tonight
I need a man that thinks it's right when it's all wrong tonight
Yeah baby, tonight, yeah baby
Right on the limb is where we know
We both belong tonight

It's hard to feel the rush
To brush the dangerous
I'm gonna run right to, to the edge with you
Where we can both fall far in love

I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment of truth
Out on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you
I'm on the edge, the edge, the edge
The edge, the edge, the edge
I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you
I'm on the edge with you

Another shot before we kiss the other side
Tonight, yeah baby, tonight, yeah baby
I'm on the edge of something final
We call life tonight, alright, alright

Put on your shades 'cause
I'll be dancing in the flames
Tonight, yeah baby, tonight, yeah baby
It isn't hell if everybody knows my name
Tonight, alright, alright

It's hard to feel the rush
To brush the dangerous
I'm gonna run right to, to the edge with you
Where we can both fall far in love
I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment of truth
Out on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you
I'm on the edge, the edge, the edge
The edge, the edge, the edge, the edge
I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you

I'm on the edge with you
I'm on the edge with you
I'm on the edge with you
I'm on the edge of glory

And I'm hanging on a moment of truth
Out on the edge of glory, and I'm hanging on a moment with you
I'm on the edge, the edge, the edge
The edge, the edge, the edge, the edge
I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you
I'm on the edge with you
With you, with you, with you, with you
I'm on the edge with you
With you, with you, with you, with you
I'm on the edge with you
With you, with you, with you, with you
I'm on the edge with you
With you, with you, with you, with you

Lirik "Stranger" by Secondhand Serenade

Turn around, turn around
And fix your eye in my direction
So there is a connection

I can't speak, I can't make a sound
To somehow capture your attention
I'm staring at perfection

Take a look at me so you can see
How beautiful you are

You call me a stranger, you say I'm a danger
But all these thoughts are leaving you tonight
I'm broken, abandoned, you are an angel
Making all my dreams come true tonight

I'm confident, but I can't pretend
I wasn't terrified to meet you
I knew you could see right through me

I saw my life flash right before my very eyes
And I knew just what we?d turn into
I was hoping that you could see

Take a look at me so you can see

You call me a stranger, you say I'm a danger
But all these thoughts are leaving you tonight
I'm broken, abandoned, you are an angel
Making all my dreams come true tonight

You are an angel
Making all my dreams come true tonight

Take a look at me so you can see
How beautiful you are
Take a look at me so you can see
How beautiful you are

Take a look at me so you can see
How beautiful you are
Take a look at me so you can see
How beautiful you are

Your beauty seems so far away
I'd have to write a thousand songs
To make you comprehend how beautiful you are

I know that I can't make you stay
But I would give my final breath
To make you understand how beautiful you are
Understand how beautiful you are

You call me a stranger, you say I'm a danger
But all these thoughts are leaving you tonight
I'm broken, abandoned, you are an angel
Making all my dreams come true tonight

You call me a stranger, you say I'm a danger
You call me a stranger

Lirik "Our Deal" by Best Coast

When you leave me
The bed is empty
And i feel crazy
Cos i didn't say anything

I wish you would tell me
How you really feel
But you'll never tell me
Cos thats not our deal

When you leave me
You take away everything
You take all my money
You take all my weed

I wish you would tell me
How you really feel
But you'll never tell me
Cos thats not our deal

I wish you would tell me
How you really feel
But you'll never tell me
Cos thats not our deal

That is your deal

That's not my deal
That is your deal
That'a not my deal
That is your deal 
That's not my deal
That is your deal
That'a not my deal
That is your deal 
That's not my deal
That is your deal
That'a not my deal
That is your deal 
That's not my deal


Lirik "Marry Me" by Train

Forever can never be long enough for me
To feel like I've had long enough with you
Forget the world now, we won't let them see
But there's one thing left to do
Now that the weight has lifted
Love has surely shifted my way

Marry me
Today and every day
Marry me
If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe
Say you will
Say you will

Together can never be close enough for me
To feel like I am close enough to you
You wear white and I'll wear out the words I love you
And you're beautiful
Now that the wait is over
And love and has finally showed her my way

Marry me
Today and every day
Marry me
If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe
Say you will
Say you will

Promise me you'll always be
Happy by my side
I promise to sing to you
When all the music dies

And marry me
Today and everyday
Marry me
If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe
Say you will
Say you will
Marry me

Lirik "Life a Knife" by Secondhand Serenade

I did a lot, I know you say
I've got to get away.
"The world is not yours for the taking"
Is all you ever say.
I know I'm not the best for you,
But promise that you'll stay.
'Cause if I watch you go,
You'll see me wasting, you'll see me wasting away

'Cause today, you walked out of my life
'Cause today, your words felt like a knife
I'm not living this life.

Goodbyes are meant for lonely people standing in the rain
And no matter where I go it's always pouring all the same.
These streets are filled with memories
Both good for detected pain
And all I wanna do is love you
But I'm the only one to blame.

'Cause today, you walked out of my life
'Cause today, your words felt like a knife
I'm not living this life.

But what do I know, if you're leaving
All you did was stop the bleeding.
But these scars will stay forever,
These scars will stay forever
And these words have no meaning
If we cannot find the feeling
That we held on to together
Try your hardest to remember

Stay with me,
Or watch me bleed,
I need you just to breathe.

'Cause today, you walked out of my life
(stay with me, or watch me bleed)
'Cause today, your words felt like a knife
(i need you just to breathe.)
I'm not living this life

Lirik "Last Time" by Secondhand Serenade

Im stuck with writing songs
Just to forget, what they really were about
And these words
Are bringing me,so deeply in debt
That I don't think I can dig my way out
I couldn't breathe you in
Like i need to
And the words don't mean a thing

So i'll sing this song to you
For the last time
And my heart is torn in two
Thinkin' of days spent without you 
And there is nothing left to prove

Im counting all the things i coulda done 
To make you see that i wanted us to be
What i go to sleep and dream of
I want you to know that i'd die for you
I'd die for you.
I couldn't breathe you in like i need to
And the words don't mean a thing

So i'll sing this song to you for the last time 
And my heart is torn in two
Thinkin' of days spent without you
And there's nothing else to prove
And if you are alone make sure you're not lonely 
Cuz if you are i blame myself
For never being home
I know im not the only one
Who will treat you like they should 
Like you deserve

Im stuck with writing songs just to forget
So i'll sing this song to you
For the last time
And my heart is torn in two 
Thinkin' of days spent without you 
And there's nothing left to prove
There's nothing
There's nothing
There's nothing left to prove

Lirik "Ladies Love Me" by Chris Brown feat. Justin Bieber

David.. David Banner

Ladies love me
I'm on my Cool J

[Chris Brown]
My bad, I’m sorry
I’m double parked
Yah that’s my Bugatti
And that’s my Ferrari next to my Ducati
Call my old school Big Bertha that I be got it
Boy I get exotic
My car need a pilot
Get free drinks to party
Your nigga need his wallet
No limit to what I’m spending so you know she’s about bout it
And who in the hell is smoking in here cuz it’s super cloudy
Goons with me dressed like skaters
Getting bruised kidneys
Stretch you later
Man my house so big
To the escalator to the elevator
Take the elevator to the private jet
Then that jet niggas see you later

Ladies love me
I’m on my Cool J
Yellow model chick
Yellow bottle sippin’
Ladies love me
I’m on my Cool J
Yellow Lamborghini
Yellow top missin’

[Justin Bieber]
Baby i’m yo docta,
I could be yo rocker,
Swaggin’ i’m not braggin’
But I swear that I could rock ya’
Baby i’m not crazy,
I got swag like Patrick Schwayze
Y’know them haters never phase me
That’s not how my momma raised me
I am incredible, this is inedible
Killin this track was inevitable
I am hetero, baby you better know Jb is generally just JB look at me
No, I said look at me, swaggin with the crooked teeth
Body slammed the beats from D Beat, call me
Call me bookin t.
I said woah der, woah der baby you just need to stop. (okay)
I’m busy out performing and i’m going to the top.
I got so much to lose, so i’m steady gettin gwap.
But them haters go down and we just get to watch.
Amazing, i’m blazing. look over here, said that i’m amazing.
Nobody’s facing, what i’m facing. set a pace, so I can race without pacing.
Lace my shoes off, start racing. you can taste it, without facting,
I mean fasting, start blasting. call up warren hill do-op that thing
Swagger jacking, is not what I do. jb is the man, yeah he’s a true.
He’s a beast when he steps up in the booth. I just landed, I did too.
Ima gentleman, yes ima gentleman, ima on my element, but i’m still elegant.
I’m full of adrenaline, you know what that means Louie V hightops with the skinny jeans.

Ladies love me
I’m on my Cool J
Yellow model chick
Yellow bottle sippin’
Ladies love me
I’m on my Cool J
Yellow Lamborghini
Yellow top missin’

Lirik "Heavy Rotation" by AKB48

One.. Two.. Three.. Four...

I want you
I need you
I love you
Atama no naka
Gangan natteru myuujikku
Hebii rooteeshon

Poppukoon ga hajikeru yoo ni
'Suki' toyuu moji ga odoru
Kao ya koeo omou dake de
Ite mo tatte mo irarenai
Konna kimochi ni narerutte
Boku wa tsuite iru ne

I want you
I need you
I love you
Kimi ni ae te
Dondon chikazuku sono kyori ni
MAX hai tenshon

I want you
I need you
I love you 
Haato no oku
Janjan afureru itoshi sa ga
Hebii rooteeshon

Hito wa dare mo isshou no uchi
Nan kai aiseru no darou
Tatta ichido wasure rarenai
Koi ga deki tara manzoku sa
Sonna tokimeki o kanji te
Hana wa hokorobu no kana ?

I feel you
I touch you
I hold you
Yume no naka de
Dandan ookiku natte yuku
Boku no imajineeshon

I feel you
I touch you
I hold you
Kono omoi o
Binbin tsutae te hoshii kara
Heavy rotation

Itsumo kii te ta
Favorite Song
Ano kyoku no you ni
Zutto kurikaeshite ni-juu-yon jikan
Kimi dake rikuesuto chuu~

I want you
I need you
I love you
Kimi ni ae te
Dondon chikazuku sono kyori ni
MAX hai tenshon

I want you
I need you
I love you
Haato no oku janjan afureru itoshi sa ga
Heavy rotation

Heavy rotation...

Lirik "Change of Seasons" by Sweet Thing

You want love but you fear it
Your attention's been shifted
You summed up the feeling
With a simple dismissing

What you gonna do? Deceiving,
It ain't you, believe it,
'Cause our love ain't easy
It changes with seasons

Whoa, yeah
Where we going I don't know
So baby won't you let it go?
(Baby won't you let it go?)

You sewed shut the curtains
You closed out the light coming in,
And all your friends you don't want near
You don't want advice, advice to hear

'Cause inside you're working
You're mending what's broken,
'Cause our love ain't easy
It changes with seasons

Ohhhh yeah, where we going I don't know
So baby won't you let it go?
Ohhhh yeah, where we going I don't know
Ohhhh so baby won't you let it go?

Don't you worry
Won't you let it go,
Baby don't worry
Just let it go, let it go

Don't you worry
Won't you let it go,
Baby don't worry
Just let it go let it go

Don't you worry
Won't you let it go,
Baby don't worry
Just let it go, let it go

Don't you worry
Won't you let it go
Baby don't worry
Just let it go, let it go

Don't you worry
Won't you let it go
Baby don't worry
Where we going I don't know

Don't you worry
Won't you let it go
Baby don't worry
So baby won't you let it go?

Don't you worry
Won't you let it go
Baby don't worry
Where we going I don't know

Don't you worry
Won't you let it go
Baby don't worry
So baby won't you let it go?

Lirik "All About You" by McFly

It's all about you (it's about you)
It's all about you baby (it's all about)
It's all about you (it's about you)
It's all about you

Yesterday you asked me
something I thought you knew
So I told you with a smile
It's all about you
Then you whispered
in my ear and you told me too
Said you make my life worthwhile
It's all about you

And I would answer all your wishes
If you ask me to
But if you deny me one of your kisses
Don't know what I'd do
So hold me close and
say three words like you used to do
Dancing on the kitchen tiles
It's all about you, yeah!

And I would answer all your wishes
If you ask me to
But if you deny me one of your kisses
Don't know what I'd do
So, hold me close and
say three words like you used to do
Dancing on the kitchen tiles
Yes you make my life worthwhile
So I told you with a smile

It's all about you
It's all about you (it's about you)
It's all about you baby (it's all about)
It's all about you (it's about you)
It's all about you baby! (it's all about)
It's all about you (it's about you)
It's all about you baby! (it's all about)
It's all about you (it's about you)
It's all about you...

It's all about..you...

Berbagai Rasa Fanta yang ada di Jepang

1. Fanta FuraFura Shaker Lemon

Bentuk kalengnya meriah dan berwarna kuning yang merupakan warna si buah lemon (atau tepatnya, “remon” hhehe..)
Normalnya kita tidak akan mengocok botol soda, karena saat dibuka bisa muncrat semua! Tapi tidak dengan FuraFura Shaker Lemon ini. Rahasianya ada pada jelly yang ada dalam minuman ini yang mampu meredam goncangan. Lagipula mau tidak mau harus kita shake-shake, sebab kalau tidak susah juga menikmati minuman asem-asem ini.
2. Fanta Tropical Mango

Masyarakat Jepang bisa dibilang penggemar buah eksotis yang satu ini. Mangga yang tergolong umum di negara kita ini (sampai tidak perlu dibuat minuman rasa sodanya) rupanya bisa diolah oleh Fanta menjadi sebuah minuman yang walaupun warnanya bening mirip air tetapi berasa mangga.
3. Fanta 冷え冷えみかん (Hibi Mikan)

Jangan tertipu sebab walaupun berbentuk seperti botol plastik, kemasan Fanta Mikan alias jeruk ini sesungguhnya adalah kaleng. Berisi soda yang lebih ‘nendang’ dari Fanta biasa maka tak heran desain kalengnya pun ‘nendang’
4. Fanta Fantastic Five

Tidak ada hubungannya dengan Fantastic Four, namun menyatakan Fanta dengan 5 macam gabungan rasa buah, yaitu Peach, Aprikot, Ceri, Apel dan Jambu. Sulit dibayangkan memang dan lebih baik kita tidak coba membayangkan rasanya karena hanya akan bikin pusing.
Apapun rasanya Fanta Fantastic Five ini punya kandungan carbonated soda yang ‘jreng’!
5. Fanta Ichigo Cream Soda

Ichigo = stroberi, maka sudah jelas inilah Fanta strawberry cream soda. Selain manis dan berasa rada-rada ‘buatan’, Fanta ini punya kemasan yang lumayan manis namun sayang dikabarkan tidak laku dan mungkin saat ini sudah tidak tersedia di toko-toko di Jepang.
6. Fanta Party Mix

Merupakan Fanta yang memiliki rasa gabungan antara Muscat dan Apel. Muscat adalah sejenis anggur, jadi gampangnya inilah Fanta anggur x apel. Hmm, keliatannya segar dan enak!
7. Fanta ホワイトバナナ (White Banana)

Selain mangga, masyarakat Jepang juga menggemari pisang dan tentunya Fanta tidak melewatkan kesempatan dengan membuat minuman yang satu ini. Mungkin kalian bertanya-tanya kok warnanya putih ya? Well, itu akibat campuran yogurt yang terdapat di dalamnya. Seperti apa rasanya? Wah mungkin seperti pisang namun agak asem-asem dan bersoda. Menurut saya, jenis yang satu ini nggak bakal laku jika dipasarkan di Indonesia.
8. Fanta Loves Berry

Adalah fanta dengan rasa beri-berian. Mungkin tidak begitu banyak bedanya dengan Fanta strawberry yang ada di Indonesia. Minuman dengan rasa bermacam jenis beri (berries) tergolong standar, tapi setidaknya ‘normal’ ketimbang rasa pisang.
9. Fanta R18

Diluar kebiasaan, Fanta membuat kemasan yang maskulin dan berkesan ‘cowok’ ketimbang ‘ceria haha-hihi’. Dari gambarnya kita tidak mungkin bisa menebak rasa yang terkandung di dalamnya, tapi percaya atau tidak, R18 adalah minuman energi yang mengandung Macca (ehmm, kalo yang sering lihat iklan di TV kayaknya tahu deh) , Guarana, dan Kafein.
Dari namanya mungkinkah ini minuman khusus usia +18?

Metode Penyiksaan Sadis dari Barat

1. Scold's Bridle
Alat ini dipasang di kepala untuk menghukum para kaum wanita yang terlalu banyak bicara/bawel. Dengan memakai alat ini, korban tak bisa ngomong apa-apa.

2. Breaking Wheel

  Pelaku yang dihukum diiket di roda, lalu dicambuk, di palu, diseret, diputer-puterin, dll sampai orang tersebut mati.

3. Iron Maiden
  Orang dimasukin kedalam alat mirip sacrophagus yang di sisinya ada duri-duri dari besi. Duri-duri tersebut dirancang agar tidak mengenai organ vital, jadi saat pintunya ditutup, orang tersebut tak langsung mati, tetapi akan tersiksa perlahan-lahan sampai mati. Selama disiksa, orang yang dihukum diintrograsi sampai dia mati.

4. Judas Chair
Ujung dari piramid itu dimasukin ke lubang anus para korban.

5. Pillory
Orang yang dihukum dipasang papan kayu di bagian kepalanya dan kakinya, sehingga mereka tidak bisa berkutik dan harus tetap dalam posisi tegak.

6. Rack
Orang yang dihukum diiket di sebuah rak kayu. Rak kayu tersebut memiliki roler yang ada di ujung-ujung rak kayu yang bisa diputer menyebabkan iketan tali semakin kuat. Semakin diputer, tubuh orang yang diiket semakin ketarik sehingga menyebabkan sendi-sendi tulangnya hampir putus, bahkan bisa sampe putus.

7. Stocks
Mirip sama Pillory namun lebih "manusiawi", hanya bagian kepala dan tangan saja yang dipasang di papan kayu, jadi masih sedikit bebas.

8. Spiked Chair
Seperti namanya, kursi ini dipenuhi oleh tusukan-tusukan dari besi. Jadi yang dihukum disuruh duduk lalu diiket agar tak bisa kemana-mana, Darah pun dipastikan langsung mengalir dari tubuh korban.

Gambar koleksi peralatan penyiksaan:

Torture Chamber yang sering ada di kastil-kastil Eropa: